Tuesday, January 09, 2007

about google and the blob

I like things that threaten to take over the world. I like Google and I am only moderately anxious about The Blob. I like bandwagons and mass opinion and zeitgeist, especially when I get on board several stops too late.

I have moved my blog to http://www.myspace.com/todayiwondered . I can put more pretty pictures up.

Monday, January 08, 2007

about unfinished thoughts

I have 21 draft posts. Some of the subject lines appear vaguely interesting. Today I wondered whether I would ever finish them.

Things like this make me wonder whether I have the attention span of a gnat. I also wonder whether one's attention span could be measured. I googled the question and was bored with the answer.

More interesting is the answer to What is a Gnat? Even more interesting is the answer to Where did I get the word Gnat? Was it the bible? I dimly recall a Plague of Gnats in Exodus. Has there ever been a plague of gnats? Did the translator of my bible experience angst when faced with the choice of Gnat or Louse? Are Gnats more fear-inspiring than Lice?

I am quite scared of lice. They are indiscriminate. When one houses them, one is properly described as Infested.