Monday, February 13, 2006

about addendums, and adrian

I meant to also ponder on the propensity of my subconscious to provide soundtrack music to my existence. But I forgot. So.

Seven days ago I couldn't stop humming the Kaiser Chiefs' "Every Day I Love You Less and Less". Six days ago, immediately prior to giving notice, I couldn't stop mouthing the words to "I Predict A Riot". I may have simultaneously broken several items of cheap stationery. This did not bother me.

However, i am now somewhat melancholic and sombre, and cannot help but sing over and over to myself the refrain from The Frames' "Locusts", an album usefully left in my possession by Adrian. ("I'm moving on/I'm packing up etc etc more whiny cockless pitiful wailing") I am bothered by this. Is it my acquaintance with the song that makes me melancholic and sombre? Would I feel the same way if, say, my only musical reference point was Kylie's "I Should Be So Lucky" and Collette's "Ring My Bell"? Would I thusly be a perpetually happy ray of sunshine if I had never met Adrian? Would I be more productive but in possession of less stationery if I were humming to myself "I am an antichrist/I am an anarchist" instead of "I'm willing to be wrong"? What is the plural of "addendum"? Is it "addenda"? And why "addendum", anyway? Would not have the word "postscripts" sufficed? "Supplemental comments on previous posts"?

I am tired and I fear I will not make sense for a few days yet. I am also an optimist. I also miss Adrian. I also think I like The Frames but I am not sure, because Adrian told me to listen to them.


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh heh, "every day should be a holiday" by the dandy warhols used to creep into my head while walking to catch the train to work a few years ago. "special people" by beck used to as well while serving annoying customers..

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just saw a kaiser chiefs film clip it involves a tennis ball...its awesome

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if it was a sign when during a period when things were very stressful and not going so well at uni (again!) I had a song in my head from the garden state soundtrack, Let Go, by Frou Frou.

"So, let go. Jump in. Oh well, what you waiting for? It's all right, 'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

certainly made me want to.


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